The friendly neighbour children Britta and Koen love to celebrate and every holiday, they think, deserves a delicious snack or a craft. If it is not a holiday but they are hungry, the children will think of one themselves. Suddenly there is a Boredom Day and a Sleepover Day and, for example, the arrival of summer is celebrated. Always with a delicacy, of course. The simple recipes for all these snacks are in the book and the manual for the crafts is included.
Folkert Oldersma en Anneke Gebert:
Folkert is responsible for the stories. Anneke for the recipes and crafts.
Floor van Ham added color to the book with striking illustrations.
Folkert Oldersma en Anneke Gebert
Illustrator / Photographer
Floor van Ham
Final editing: Inanna van den Berg
Cover: Probeeld ; Pages: Probeeld | Ambilicious Studio