On November 25, 2014, Peter Mabelus came across the website 120w.nl for the first time. The site 120w.nl was launched on June 29, 2010 by Frank Gerritse: “Because there is already way too much writing everywhere, on 120w you will only find bite-sized pieces of exactly 120 words (reading time about one minute). 120 words, that's all you need for a good story!”
Apart from writing a piece of exactly 120 words, there was the opportunity to participate in the weekly competition every week. A feature of the competition was that the writer had to include a weekly word that changed every week in his contribution. Words such as chaos, consumption, crown, apple or quilt yielded the most surprising results. Take part in a raffle of great literature, where laughter is never far away.
Peter Mabelus:
NBD Biblion: “Mabelus is a wordsmith in its purest form.”
In 2018, Peter Mabelus released his debut, the blockbuster 'Kathmandu Hipsters', an ingeniously composed and compelling thriller that combines irresistible humor with a deep philosophical insight into the human condition. Why did the press emphasize the fact that 'Kathmandu Hipsters' was his Dutch debut?
Love brought Peter Mabelus to Bulgaria in the 1990s.
There he wrote the novel 'De Punishment van Veger', without any pretensions to ever publish the book. Due to the fact that Mabelus' then lover held a high position within the Bulgarian government and the fact that Mabelus had become world famous in Bulgaria through his skills as a professional cyclist, many doors opened for him. He had become a public figure.