Ten-year-old Maria, a beautiful girl from Novosibirsk, is deviously lured into the sinister world of the Kirovsky Cat pedo network. The photos, which seem innocent to her, seduce the male visitors. They want more and Maria becomes the most famous girl on the darknet.
Everything changes when a recording of Maria goes viral. Who can she trust anymore?
Andrej - her parents' family friend -, the Orthodox priest, or Gottfried, her admirer longing for love?
This true story provides a shocking insight into the dark underworld of the internet. A world that - unfortunately - still threatens to grow. Can we protect our children?
Author and journalist Marcel Beijer takes the reader into Mary's intense and heartbreaking journey of suffering with an analytical eye and deep psychological insight
to hope.
Marcel Beijer:
Previously published by him:
Out (1995, biographical novella)
You never get used to it (2005, interviews with police officers)
Naboteren (2011, collected columns)
Overcome Desire (2017, novel)
Golden Mountains (2020, novel)